(1) 建立ESP32 發展環境步驟
使用official FreeRTOS based SDK
- Download and install Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine
- Install and configure ESP32 toolchain
- Download ESP-IDF and compile an example
- Download the program to your ESP32 dev board
(2) 建立Micropython ESP32 發展環境步驟
(2.1) Build your own firmware binary (參考https://blog.horan.hk/micropythonesp32.html)
(2.1.1)clone & Unpack xtensa-esp32-elf toolchain.
(2.1.2)clone ESP-IDF
(2.1.3)clone Micropython-ESP32
(2.2) Initial set up of MicroPython-ESP32
set up two things :
(2.2.1)Build cross compiler support
(2.2.2)A makefile to suit out environment
(2.3) Compile and install firmware
(2.4) Making it run your own code
注意: ESP-IDF version 常更新,要檢查及確定新版本
Micropython and ESP32 custom firmware https://medium.com/@alwint3r/compiling-micropython-for-esp32-85cc1968e424