(1) 超音波測距離-使用python
參考資料: Raspberry Pi 筆記:超音波測距離
• Raspberry Pi 主板 x1
• US-100超音波模組 x1
• 連接線 x4
距離=(音波發射與接收時間差 * 聲音速度(340M/S))/2;
US-100這個型號,根據規格文件,這個模組最遠可測得2公分~4.5公尺, 輸入電壓大約 2.4V ~ 5.5V,其偵測廣度大約是15度。這個模組具有溫度感測,距離值已經溫度調校,無需再根據環境溫度對超音波聲速進行校正。
• US-100 VCC接pin2(+5V),GND接pin6(GND)
• US-100 Trig/TX接Pin16(GPIO23),Echo/RX接Pin18(GPIO24)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time trigger_pin = 23 echo_pin = 24 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(trigger_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(echo_pin, GPIO.IN) def send_trigger_pulse(): GPIO.output(trigger_pin, True) time.sleep(0.001) GPIO.output(trigger_pin, False) def wait_for_echo(value, timeout): count = timeout while GPIO.input(echo_pin) != value and count > 0: count = count - 1 def get_distance(): send_trigger_pulse() wait_for_echo(True, 5000) start = time.time() wait_for_echo(False, 5000) finish = time.time() pulse_len = finish - start distance_cm = pulse_len * 340 *100 /2 distance_in = distance_cm / 2.5 return (distance_cm, distance_in) while True: print("cm=%f\tinches=%f" % get_distance()) time.sleep(1)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
pulse = 0
distance = 0
rpm = 0.00
speed = 0.00
wheel_c = 20
hall = 18
elapse = 0.00
start = time.time()
GPIO.setup(hall, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
def get_rpm():
return rpm
def get_speed():
return speed
def get_distance():
return distance
def get_elapse():
return elapse
def get_pulse(number):
global elapse,distance,start,pulse,speed,rpm,multiplier
cycle = 0
if pulse > 0:
elapse = time.time() - start
pulse -=1
if cycle > 0:
distance += wheel_c
cycle -= 1
speed = (wheel_c*multiplier)/100000
rpm = 1/elapse *60
start = time.time()
GPIO.add_event_detect(hall,GPIO.FALLING,callback = get_pulse,bouncetime=20)
while True:
print('rpm:{0:.2f} speed:{1:.2f} distance:{2} elapse:{3:.4f}'.format(rpm,speed,distance,elapse))
time.sleep(0.1) #to reduce CPU load, print every 100 milliseconds
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('You have pressed Ctrl+C! How dare you stopped this beautiful thing?!')
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