
(1) Image Processing For Weed Detection

April 2017, Volume 5, Issue 4, ISSN 2349-4476 International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences
Abstract: This paper introduces the system implementation of image processing technique for weed detection and removal. It involves simple edge detection
technique using various filters such as Gaussian and Laplacian. It finally concludes with the feature extraction results that implement ORB algorithm. An
RGB image is taken as a sample in order to demonstrate the difference between weed and the crop. This RGB image is further processed for detecting the
weeds. We used Python 3.4.1 version for processing the sample image. After certain steps, we get an output where the weeds are separated from the crop that has been taken in the sample image.
Keywords: Python, Image Processing, Featur

(2)A computer vision application to detect unwanted weed in early stage crops

Abstract: This article shows an application for computer vision to detect unwanted weed in crops from one region
with more agricultural impact in Colombia. We took images in different crops, wanting estimate population
degree from arvenses species. An Image processing was developed to obtain regions of interest were finally
processed through neural networks.


2016 IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Abstract - Agriculture is one of the origins of human sustenance in this world. Nowadays due to growing population we need the greater productive capability of the agriculture to meet the demands. In olden days, people used natural methods to increase the productivity, such as using the cow dung as a
fertilizer in the fields. That resulted in an increase in the productivity enough to meet the requirements of the population. But later people thought of earning more profits by getting more outcome. So, there came a revolution called “Green Revolution”. After this period usage of deadly poisons as herbicides has increased to a drastic level. By doing so we got success in increasing the productivity but we have forgotten the damage done to the environment, which will
raise a doubt in our sustenance on this beautiful earth. So, in this project, we have implemented some methods to reduce the usage of herbicides by spraying them only in the areas where weed is present. In this paper, we have implemented image processing using MATLAB to detect the weed areas in an image we took from the fields.

(4) A Survey on Weed Detection using Image Processing

2017- International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 
Abstract: Agriculture is the origins of human sustenance in this world. The detection and classification of weeds are of most important technical and economical importance in the agricultural industry. In past days weed detection was done by employing some men, particularly for that intention. In olden days, weed detection was done by inspecting each and every place in the field. Then weeds were manually removed. Later with the improvement in the technology, people started using herbicides to take out the weeds. But to identify the weed still physical power was used in many parts of the world. Later there came few methods to discover the weeds without human intervention but due to lack of their accuracy, they were incapable to reach to the public. Then image processing was used for this purpose. In future it is planned to detect the weed in the crop by using image processing techniques. This paper focuses on survey of weed detection using image processing techniques. 

(5)  Weed Detection in Agriculture Using Image Processing

2017- International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineerin ABSTRACT: Nowadays everything has changed modern. But our basic needs has not changed and its demand is increased by the increase in population. The need for food has increased by every decades. Agriculture is the backbone of our country and our country is famous for all spices. But now our agricultural lands are devastated by modernization and in the remaining agricultural land, more use of herbicides make them poisonous. In the early days all foods are organic and those people were healthy. But now due to this, all food materials are full of chemicals and the life span of the people has been decreasing by generation. Our day to day life of earning is to satisfy the need of food. Now people are searching for organic food by the increase in awareness. The food now they eat is full of chemicals. The main aim of using herbicide is to kill the weeds in the agricultural land. But the drawback is that the herbicide is sprayed is all through the land. So the land also gets spoiled and the food also gets spoiled. 

(6)Detection and Removal of Weed between Crops in Agricultural Field using Image Processing  

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics - Volume 118 No. 8 2018, 201-206  
Abstract— Agriculture is the back bone of the entire world. In olden days, more than 70% of the people are depend on Agriculture and related works. But now the theme changed the people are preferring the white collar jobs and profit motive made them to refuse the agricultural work. In other end the demand of food products are increased due to growing population. Inorder to fulfill the needs of the food and the other agriculture products the Automation is the right choice. Not only in the field of agriculture, the automation plays a vital role in each and every field to produce Quality output with reduced manpower. In the field of agriculture the man power is need much when compared to other fields, from ploughing to harvesting. In this process the removal of weeds is a tedious job and it requires more man power. Till date the weed removal can’t be automated due to some effects in crops because of automation. Herbicides plays a crucial role in removing the weeds and it also provides a good result at initial position but later the weeds dominate the field. In order to reduce the weeds the usage herbicide level increased day by day. Usage of Herbicides causes the land infertile and thereby causes the decrease in production of the crops. This paper deals with the weed removal technique which reduces the amount of herbicide usage on the entire field. By this process the herbicides are sprayed on the weed. In this process the weed removal can be done through the image taken from the field by using image processing. 


 ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-7, 2017   
 Abstract Most of the farmers in india uses conventional methods for the sprayer of herbicide in farms for cultivation of crops the major problems includes here is the sprayer is spread throughout all the crops in farms in which the cultivated plants are also harmed by chemicals sprayed on it as the weed and plants looks same,the weed recognition method based on the image processing techniques and the automing the atic robot sprayer which will capture images and apply the morphological operations on images to identify the images to find the weeds from the plants. Dilation and Erosion methods are the methods used for weed recognition which helps to easily find the weeds and apply automatic sprayer on the weeds.The algorithm is based on erosion followed by dilation segmentation algorithm. This algorithm can detect weeds and also classify it. Currently the algorithm is tested on two types of images i.e. broad leaves images and narrow leaves images. 

(8)Weed Detection Using Image Processing In Organic Farming through Aurdino

 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-3, January 2019 
 Abstract: Programmed weed control is dependably a critical issue in natural cultivating. A basic advance in taking care of or destroying the weed pervasions among the vegetable harvests is the capacity to precisely and dependably separate weeds from crops. As of late, high spatial determination hyper unearthly imaging information from ground-based stages have demonstrated specific guarantee in this application. Weeds are expelled in a semi-organized developed field by utilizing picture preparing. The principal goal is to identify and remove weeds available with the developed plant and gather it independently. A camera is fixed for taking the pictures of a portion of the crops in the field. A direction of the weed is identified by picture handling utilizing MATLAB. The directions of the weed acquired from the camera are imparted through PC to the robot at last to cut the weeds. 
    weed detection
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