(1) VM(虛擬機器)部份
建立和啟動 VM 執行個體
(1)將 VM 遷移至 Compute Engine
(1) 測試伺服器(執行基本 Apache 網路伺服器)
(2) 安裝 Nginx(ubuntu 上 Nginx 介紹,安裝與設定)
基本的 Nginx 設定檔結構網站所示
(1) nginx 基礎設定教學,
(2) Nginx筆記(二)Nginx基礎
(3) 啟動及結束 nginx server
sudo -s
nginx -t #測試
nginx #啟動
nginx -s stop #結束
nginx -s reload #重新啓動
鍵入 http://extern-IP-address (不是https)
(4) Python Bookshelf 應用程式
Bookshelf 應用程式是一個以 Python 編寫的範例網頁應用程式,用於示範如何使用各種 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 產品,包含:
- App Engine 彈性環境
- Cloud SQL
- Cloud Datastore
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud Pub/Sub
Bookshelf 範例應用程式採用 Flask 網頁應用程式架構,但不論您使用哪一個架構,這些概念和技術皆可適用。
您可以使用自選的其他網頁應用程式架構來實作這個應用程式,例如 Django。
(3) Cloud SDK 元件安裝
gcloud components list
gcloud components install app-engine-python
cloud components updateERROR: (gcloud.components.update) You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is managed by an external package manager.Please consider using a separate installation of the Cloud SDK created through the default mechanism described at: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/
Apt-get is the way to install the app engine component In a Ubuntu/Debían System.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk
sudo apt-get install app-engine-python
以上皆有問題,最後是重新連線glcod shell 就可以使用 gcloud components install app-engine-python
WARNING: There are older versions of Google Cloud Platform tools on your system PATH. Please remove the following to avoid accidentally invoking these old tools:
修改 ~/.bash_profile 檔案,把 gcloud 下面的路徑移出:
https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/ <- It's OK
(4) Download the Hello World app
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples
cd python-docs-samples/appengine/standard/hello_world
(5)開始HTTP SERVER: SimpleHTTPServer 範例
如要透過 Cloud Shell 指令提示啟動簡易的 Python HTTP 伺服器,請使用下列指令碼:
cd `mktemp -d` \
&& echo '<html><body>Hello World</body></html>' >./index.html \
&& python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
(6)Test the application
dev_appserver.py app.yaml
(7) Deploy your app
gcloud app deploy
(8) View your application
To launch your browser and view the app at http://[YOUR_PROJECT_ID].appspot.com
, run the following command:
gcloud app browse
GCP Day3 安裝Ubuntu桌面與遠端